Meet Arthur!
Arthur, a young boy with a heart of gold, recently celebrated his 6th birthday in a unique way. Instead of asking for toys for himself, he decided to recruit his friends to buy toys so that he could donate them to the Bethel Foundation birthday club. This club provides birthday presents to children in need who may not otherwise receive any gifts on their special day. Arthur's selflessness and generosity are truly inspiring. It's heartwarming to see a young boy prioritize the needs of others over his own. Thank you, Arthur, for your kindness and for setting such a wonderful example for all of us.
In Oklahoma alone, 1 in 6 people live below the poverty line.
And this was back in 2019. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, prices have gone up across the board: gas, name it. This is squeezing families across America who are already living paycheck to paycheck.
We're here to help.
What we, the best nonprofit, provide
How your donations helped in 2023
Received Food and Clothing
Birthday Celebrations
Received Household Goods
Received Adoption for Christmas Gifts