The Community Center
Hi! Let's talk! Many clients have come in for help for food and clothing and other needed supplies. We all have been or know of someone who was in need and may still be in need.
NO JUDGMENT! We are committed to making sure the people in our area are without certain needs. So, look at the size of our community and the small venue we have to service those in need. It isn't much space. We need a much bigger community center to house all received, donated, items, visibly. People should have options to choose those things they truly need and would like to have. Maybe their kids need clothes for school, maybe they need a lamp to replace the one that got broken because of domestic abuse or maybe they need shoes to help them walk on the street because they are homeless. Maybe they need furniture or bedding and more because they lost it all in a housefire or tornado. We never know how devastating their need is until they come in for help! Whatever the case, they need us all!
YES, a Community Building is in need and we would love for you to be a part of history to get this building up and running by end of 2025. If we had $10 from everyone who entered as a donor to our office, we would be able to have the materials to build in no time. Won't you be a part of this opportunity?
Contact us via email for more information to lynda@bethelfoundation.org.
We look forward to hearing from you!!
Lynda K. Powell
Want to Volunteer?
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.