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Current Events

Bethel Foundation had been reviewed and soon received a phone call for the non-profit chosen to receive a monetary donation from the proceeds of a large silent auction.  Among three total non-profit organizations researched, a committee chose Bethel Foundation to receive financial donation from Oklahoma Health Information Management Association (OkHIMA).  During their 2 day conference for continuing education, Bethel Foundation received recognition and was given booth space for a silent auction to receive the proceeds from their generous fund raiser where OkHIMA, as well, had provided their own items for silent auction that was turned back around and given to Bethel Foundation. In attendance was over 250 people from all different types of health businesses where Lynda Powell, founder of Bethel Foundation, spoke during their luncheon to relay the mission of almost 20 years in service to the community in need.  Bethel Foundation was chosen due to their continued efforts to help those locally in need.  Thank you, OkHIMA for finding us and helping us to get the word out!

grey baby elephant sitting with a flower

"Spring A New One"
2024 baby shower

What a great day to enjoy each other's company, some babies and lots of stories, games, food and gifts!

Kids Camp projects
the best nonprofit
Taberek Abddrahanan 8yrs birthday
scholarship recipient 2015
la mejor organización sin fines de lucro

Proporcionar alimentos y artículos esenciales a los habitantes de Oklahoma que lo necesitan.

Solo en Oklahoma, 1 de cada 6 personas vive por debajo del umbral de la pobreza.

Y esto fue en 2019. Desde la pandemia de COVID-19, los precios han subido en todos los ámbitos, gasolina, comestibles, lo que sea. Esto está exprimiendo a las familias en todo Estados Unidos que ya viven de cheque en cheque.

Estamos aquí para ayudar.

lo que proporcionamos

Cómo ayudaron sus donaciones en 2021

groceries, food


Comida y ropa recibidas

birthday gifts


Celebraciones de cumpleaños


family groceries and food


Artículos para el hogar recibidos

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Artículos para el hogar recibidos

¡Ponerse en contacto!

Nos encantaría saber de usted.

¡Betel en los medios!

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Screenshot 2022-06-30 3.06 news 9
Screenshot 2022-06-30 reaffirm faith story
Screenshot 2022-06-30 the journal record
Screenshot 2022-06-30 the oklahoman
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